In the past we have sent out shoe bags stuffed with goodies for children in Sierra Leone, distributed by the Sierra Leone Mission. This year that hasn’t been possible, but we would still like to bless as many children as possible.
Early in December we will forward money from a special collection we are making to Sierra Leone Mission, so that a local representative in the country can purchase items to distribute. The Countess of Huntingdon Connexion in Sierra Leone has a number of schools spread across the country, which gives them contact with many in their local communities.
Giving in this way enables us to continue to bless children in one of the poorest countries in the world, and by buying locally it will be a much needed boost to the local economy in Sierra Leone as well!
Please use the button below to give using a debit/credit card or Paypal account (you do not need to set up a Paypal account if you don’t have one). An alternative (with no fees) is to send us money direct via BACS, using your ‘surname + SLM’ as the reference please (you can find our BACS details on our standing order / gift aid form).

Please note that Paypal will deduct a small fee (30p plus 2.9%).