Working from the Church Blueprint

As we actively pray into and ponder the nuts n bolts of re-starting our physical church gatherings, we are not simply asking the practical questions of ‘how can we gather safely amidst the different restrictions?’ (though these are valid questions). For us there is a much more important question to keep at the front of our thinking …

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Hardware Reset

In the anticipation of coming out of lockdown we are praying and reflecting as a church. The leadership team are asking all groups and activities to have a prayerful review rather than assuming they will automatically restart.

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Every Member Contributes

Church is people – people who are committed to and following Christ. Every member is important and can contribute. With the sense that we have of God’s calling on our lives to be ‘A Church in Mission Across the City‘, it follows that the discipleship of each member is mission critical.

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Week of Prayer – 10th to 17th May

This coming week 10th to 17th May is our Church Week of Prayer – something that regularly features in our church calendar twice a year.

For this week we would like to call ourselves to Pray for the Prosperity of the City (see Jeremiah 29:7 for this principle). We suggest you do that in 3 key ways:

  1. Pray for your own street (either individually, as a family, or in an IPOD)
  2. Connect with your prayer partner / triplet to form a web of prayer across the city
  3. Gather on Zoom for Whole Church Prayer on Wednesday 13th May at 8pm for up to an hour (contact us for details to join)

Our politicians are of course talking about coming out of Lockdown … but there will be many challenging months ahead which will affect us, the city of Ely and beyond. Let us come before God to pray for our city, its people and businesses … all the while praying too for Spiritual Awakening among each individual and family.

We Are Church

We are Church – we don’t go to church, we don’t attend church … we are church! Each of us contributes together, and makes up the whole. We are church because of who we are in Christ and our covenant with each other.

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New Resource: You Say … but God Says

A new set of simple meditation cards to use each day.

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Prayer Exercise for the City

From Monday 27th April to Friday 1st May we are encouraging all who are able to use their daily walking-exercise as an opportunity to pray for the city of Ely.

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