Gifts Workshop – This Sunday 26th

Our next Gifts Workshop is this Sunday, January 26th at 7pm.

These workshops are informal times where we have some teaching and then hands-on practice where we explore prayer ministry in the flow and work of the Holy Spirit. There is always a chance to be prayed for, as well as encouragement and coaching in learning to pray for others yourself.

The event is open to all Christians who want to come and explore with us. We usually finish up by 8.30pm.

Life Stories – Douglas: The Leap of Faith

Douglas Maclure grew up in a loving Christian family in India before moving to Dubai in 1989. In Dubai he joined Emirates airline as an HR Assistant and met his wife, Dawn. They moved to England shortly after the birth of their daughter Abbey.

I knew the role didn’t feel right for a long time, but I always had fears about finances and providing for my family

Douglas climbed the ladder at the high pressure role in London, working up from HR Officer to senior HR Manager for Europe. After the birth of their son Caleb, Douglas was juggling travelling abroad and long hours in the office with spending time with his family. Douglas said: “I knew the role didn’t feel right for a long time, but I always had fears about finances and providing for my family.”

After 25 years the demands of the job along with a five-hour daily commute from Ely to London had taken its toll. In April 2017, Douglas suffered a heart attack and underwent emergency surgery at Papworth hospital.

A long and difficult recovery followed and as Douglas returned to work he knew he could not simply continue as before. He searched for what to do next, but struggled to find the answers. Finally one year on, while Douglas was spending time in prayer he felt a powerful sense of God telling him to make the leap and leave Emirates, trusting God to provide the next step. Douglas said: “God provided me with a vision of a bright path ahead of me, really bright, but I couldn’t see anything else on the path.”

“I felt God say – you don’t have to be here. You can stay in your comfort zone where you are, or you can choose to take my path, despite not being able to see what’s ahead”. The sense was that God knew the plans He had for Douglas and would give him the courage to make the leap of faith.

God provided me with a vision of a bright path ahead of me, really bright, but I couldn’t see anything else on the path

He resigned in January and, supported in prayer by Dawn and members of the Countess Free Church, he felt called to set up his own HR consultancy. Douglas added: “It will take a long time to find clients and build a foundation and I still don’t know for sure whether the consultancy is the right path, or what God has in store for me.”

“But as I read His word and trust in God, He reaffirms the message in different ways. In the meantime, through the church and having fellowship with different people – God is using me now.”

Douglas with his wife Dawn are together members of the Countess Free Church.

Story authored by Abbey Maclure.

10 Years of Shine Celebration

Shine Girls days have been running for 10 years and we want to celebrate! On Saturday 28th March from 6pm to 8pm a celebration event will be held at the Lighthouse Centre on Chapel street.

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‘My Life – His Way’: New Series Starts January 5

For the year 2020 we start a new series: “My Life – His Way” – practical living as a Jesus-follower in the 21st century.

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Rich Tea Community

The Rich Tea Community for adults with learning disabilities opened its doors for the first time in January 2020. The group meets regularly on the third Sunday of each month from 3pm to 4.30pm at the Countess Free Church, Ely.

Members of the Countess Church and friends from other churches across Ely have come together to launch this new community to create a space for people with learning disabilities to experience the richness of life in the Christian faith.

Cate Allen, co-founder of the group, said “Rich Tea Community desires for church to become a more accessible place for people with a learning disability. Everyone is of value and has something wonderful to offer. Rich Tea Community aims to be a place where we will all be growing in our uniqueness and learning from each other.”

Meetings at Rich Tea Community includes Bible stories and time to share news and reflect, as well as activities such as crafts, music, singing and drama. There are also plenty of hot and cold drinks and biscuits!

Margaret Human, another co-founder of the group, says, “We would love everyone to come along and join in and have a good time.”

You can find our latest dates and more information on this page. Or, please feel free to call Cate on 07938187907.

Pioneering Possibilities

This year the president of the Baptist Union has a theme ‘Where do we grow from here?‘. For us as a church this is an excellent question as we pray into the possibility of pioneering out, with thoughts towards the new housing areas of Ely North very much in mind.

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Shine 2020

Saturday 28th March 2020, from 10am to 4pm at the Countess Free Church – the Shine 2020 day for girls in school years 7 to 11 … ‘Be Loved’!

Now in its 10th year, this year’s activities include 4D Street Dance, Vocal Workshop, Pamperzone, Creative Workshop, and more. This is a day for girls to building confidence, courage, and character all with the backdrop of the Christian faith.

Booking essential: £10 Early bird before 1st March, £13 thereafter. To book go to and search for ‘Shine Ely 2020‘. For info about the day, phone 07712 653 299.

Doors are open at 9.45am. Lunch and refreshments are provided.

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