Week of Prayer – May 12th to 19th

Come all who are thirsty – Come to the Waters (Isaiah 55:1).

Sunday May 12th to 19th is our Week of Prayer – where we deliberately make space to pray for our church and for our city. Our theme this week is to Desire Him … desire to see God bless the city.

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Imagine – Being Real in a Social Media World – May 19th

Are you afraid of Missing Out? Or do you think it is all just Fake News? Our Social Media saturated world has brought blessing but also many headaches! This fun and interactive morning will help us think through what is good, what is not, and what is indifferent. Suitable for all ages we get going at 10.15am on Sunday 19th May, with coffee, pastries and fun together.

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New Series – About Us

Starting Sunday May 5th a new short series ‘About Us’ – exploring who we are as a church. What is important to us, what brings us together, and our mission in Christ

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Sunday 21st April

Given Lives

As followers of Jesus we look to live out our God given purpose, to take part in the Kingdom mission that He has called each of us to. This means that our lives are not lived simply for ourselves. Nor are they lived just for our own family or loved ones – though they are all very important to us. Our lives are not even lived solely for the church community we are part of, although that too is important.

It means our lives are lived for the people around us: giving beyond ourselves and our own circles. This is worked out in conjunction with looking after ourselves, our loved ones, and those in our extended faith family.

We therefore lead “Given Lives” – lives that are given in mission to those God would call us to. In that way we live somewhat in contrast to our everyday culture, with its relentless focus on the individual and the ‘me’

Leading Given Lives does not automatically make us superior to anyone else – we need grace for each day just as much as everyone. It also does not necessarily come easily. It is a costly walk of discipleship that we find ourselves on as we seek to be ever closer to Jesus. It arises from our worship of Jesus, and is inseparable from it.

Imagine – The World of Bricks – Sunday March 17th

Following on from the Ely Brick Show on the Saturday, Countess Free Church invites you to join them on Sunday March 17th for their Imagine event at 10.15am. Here we explore life & faith using Lego bricks. It is free, informal, and good for all ages

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Gifts Workshop – Sunday 10th February 7pm

Our next Gifts Workshop is Sunday 10th February at 7pm. This particular evening has a focus on healing. Anyone who would like prayer for healing is welcome to come!

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