Worship and Service Go Hand in Hand

Our motto is ‘Seeking to Worship, Seeking to Serve’. This keeps things simple and succinctly captures what we are about – God and His love for all mankind.

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Holiday Club Signup is Open

This year our Holiday Club is running from Monday 30th July to Friday 3rd August, with the theme TeamBuilders, and bookings are now open.

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Week of Prayer – 13th to 20th May – Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap – Praying into the gaps – the places or peoples we might not be reaching. We pray for the outreach and mission initiatives of the church …. because we want to see Kingdom life across the city. Our week of prayer from 13th to 20th May.

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New Series – Be the Man

Our new series “Be the Man” starts on Sunday May 13th – looking at male spirituality for the 21st century.

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Gifts Workshop – this Sunday 4th March at 7pm

Our next Gifts Workshop is this Sunday at 7pm – exploring spiritual gifts and prayer ministry.

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First Dads n Kidz of 2018 – this Saturday

Our first Dads n Kidz of 2018 is this Saturday 10th, from 9 to 11am.

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Manse Upgrade Appeal 2018

This year we are hoping to provide a downstairs toilet, a shower room and much improved kitchen facilities to the church manse accommodation. We are looking to raise funds for this project with a Gift/Pledge Day on Sunday 25th February.

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