All Age Worship, ‘Oikos’, and the Extended Family

One of our church posts on Facebook:

Today we had a wonderfully happy and creative service at Church – tapping into the God given creativity that is in each of us. Young and old we had people writing songs, poetry, drawing, and impromptu drama being performed – I was a puffer fish in my part re-enacting creation. I was highly commended on my fine fish like qualities …

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Exploring Faith – Alpha Course

An opportunity to explore the Christian faith, go through the basics of what we believe, and discuss with others any question about our faith in Jesus. We are pleased to partner with St Marys church in Ely to hold an Alpha course through this term held in Costa Coffee.

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New Series: His Story – Our Story

January 2017 a new series gets under way at the Countess Free Church: His Story – Our Story. We will be exploring together the ‘big picture’ of God’s story for us, the world and everything … and the place He has for us in it.

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Christmas Services 2016

Once again the season of Christmas is upon us, and it is our joy to celebrate God with Us – God being born as a baby among us. We have the following Christmas special services:

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Dads n Kidz this Saturday 26th

Take a respite from the Christmas run-up shopping rush before it gains too much momentum and join us for Dads n Kidz this Saturday 26th November.

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Gifts Worship Sunday 20th November

Sunday November 20th at 7pm there will be a practical seminar exploring spiritual gifts together.

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Imagine – Sunday 20th November

Our next Imagine! event is this Sunday 20th Noember. From 10.15 light refreshments will be served free of charge.This month we have a Dr. Who theme, which promises to be fun for all ages, young and old alike. We will be thinking about our identity, and life transformation!

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