Come Away with Me – Week of Prayer 6th to 13th November

Sunday 6th to 13th November is our week of prayer, with the invitation to ‘Come Away with Me’ – let Him shape your schedule, priorities, and desires. Be still and allow yourself to be radically changed by His presence. With Him see things in different ways and allow your heart desires to be re-orientated.

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Charity Music and Karaoke Night

Friday 4th November our friends from the Sun Café are holding a charity night of music, song and karaoke at 7.30pm at the Countess Church.

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Harvest Celebration This Sunday

This Sunday we have our harvest celebration at 10.30, a service including communion shared with our children and young people.

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Margin for Jesus

Contemporary life becomes ever more fast paced, compressed and over-crowded. We cram in more and more … because we can! Transport, communications, internet and opportunity all play their part. We soak all this up believing life is good.

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Dads n Kidz plus Imagine this Weekend

The autumn term is underway, and this weekend (17th/18th) we have both Dads n Kidz on Saturday, and Imagine on Sunday.

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Imagine – Sunday 18th September

Our next Imagine! event is this Sunday 18th September. From 10.15 light refreshments will be served free of charge. For all ages, young and old alike will be invited to ask themselves ‘Is This Your Time?’, looking at our use of time and whether time ends up controlling us.

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2×2, J Team, Power Pack Restarting

The new term is beginning, and we are looking forward to welcoming everyone back again. The regular term time groups start back as follows:

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