Supporting Persecuted Christians

This Saturday 30th January we have an open house coffee morning at the church hall from 10.30 until noon, with proceeds being sent to Open Doors to support Christians in difficult situations around the world.

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Men’s Curry Night

Blokes getting together for a curry and a talk about men’s Christian discipleship: 7.30pm on Monday 8th February at the Countess Church.

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Dads n Kidz this Saturday 23rd January

Our Dads n Kidz morning is back in action this Saturday 23rd January.

As usual from 9am to 11am, with toys and play for children, newspapers for dads, and bacon butties for all!

A Great Day for Girls in School Years 7-11!

SHINE! A day to enjoy, engage and explore why Friendship Matters – for girls in school years 7-11.

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Crib Service and Christmas Day Celebrations

This Christmas Eve, 4.30pm we gather around the crib … →Read More …

Thessalonians Series Summary

The one sheet summary poster that captures the golden nuggets of our teaching series this term can be viewed/downloaded here: sermon_13_12_15_summary

Christmas Tea and Carols this Sunday

This Sunday (20th) at 4.30pm we sit down to a handsome tea, hear the Christmas readings, and sing carols together. →Read More …

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