Messy Church Nativity – Sunday 13th 4pm

Messy Church is back … with a Messy Church Nativity Special this Sunday (13th), from 4pm!

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Christmas Events at the Countess

You are invited and very welcome to join us for our various Christmas special events … →Read More …

Toy Collection in Service – Sunday 29th November

On Sunday 29th November, during our morning service, we will hold our annual collection of new or nearly new toys.

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Dads n Kidz Saturday 21st November

Our Dads n Kidz morning is back in action this Saturday 21st November.

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Imagine Being the Special Agent

Our next Imagine! event is on Sunday 15th November. From 10.15 light refreshments will be served free of charge. For all ages, young and old alike will be invited to think about being special agents! But in our assignment are we Licensed to Kill, or Licensed to Forgive?

Finishing around 11.30, there will be chance to chill and chat, think on the theme, for youngsters to get stuck in, and for young and old to help each other.


Week of Prayer 7th to 15th Nov

The 7th to 15th November is our Week of Prayer at the Countess Free Church.

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An Introduction to Silent Prayer

Sessions led by Magdalen Houlihan from Clare Priory, exploring silent prayer together on Saturday 7th November.

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