Sermon Audio Podcast now available

Our sermon messages are available once again on our website!

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Harvest Celebration plus Sharing Lunch

This Sunday October 4th at 10.30am is our Harvest celebration, followed by an ‘indoor picnic’ sharing lunch.

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Official Hall Re-Opening

Saturday 3rd October from 10.30am to 12 noon all are welcome to drop in to see our refurbished hall and for a short re-opening ceremony.

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Mens Curry Night – Monday 21st

In partnership with the Lighthouse and the other Ely churches, we have a men’s curry night on Monday 21st September.

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Dads n Kidz Saturday 19th

Our first Dads n Kidz back in the refurbished hall is this Saturday 19th September.

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Countess Activities Restarting

Now our hall is nicely refurbished (see picture below!), activities and groups are restarting this term.

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New Series Starts This Sunday

This Sunday 6th September we start our new series “Urgent Lives“, looking at the two letters to the Thessalonians.

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