Multi-Format Learning Pack

Today we had multi-format learning to help us dig deeper into Zechariah. The full resource pack for the different activities can be found below:


Prophecy Workshops

Linking with our series in Zechariah ‘The Prophetic Voice’, there will be two practical workshops enabling us to understand the gift of prophecy better, and learning to let the Spirit minister through us to each other. These will be held on Sundays at 7pm on 21st & 28th June, and 12th July.

Week of Prayer: Our Master’s Voice

21st to 28th June is our Week of Prayer, where we come together as a church to pray and hear His voice concerning our ministries and work as a church.

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Directly on arriving people are offered a cup of coffee and invited to help themselves to the pastries set out at each table. With family and friends around tables, plus table-teasers to help start the thinking, there is soon a warm buzz that fills the room. Young and old can take part, in a relaxed and informal atmosphere – the refreshments remain on tap throughout the morning.

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Dads n Kidz – Saturday 10th May

This Saturday 10th May from 9am to 11am will be a Dads & Kidz Saturday play. Another chance to chat, be creative with our children, and grab a bacon roll or two. →Read More …

Imagine! – I Have a Dream

Our first Imagine! event is on Sunday 17th May. From 10.15 light refreshments will be served free of charge. For all ages, young and old alike will be invited to think ‘What is Your Dream?‘ as we think on Martin Luther King’s famous ‘I Have a Dream‘ speech.

Finishing around 11.30, there will be chance to chill and chat, think on the theme, for youngsters to get stuck in, and for young and old to help each other.


Children and Family

Children and young people are important to us – enabling them to grow and flourish into the people God intended them to be.
God is a God of community, and healthy family life helps model this in some way. We encourage parent with children activities, as well as inter-generational work (we need the wisdom of grandmas and grandads to be imparted!). Therefore all age services or times together in our worship are important, as are group activities where young and old can learn from each other.

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