New Series: Living in the Hope Stored for Us

Starting Sunday September 5th in our weekly whole church gatherings at 10.30am: a new series looking through the letter to the Colossians.

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New Look Notice Sheets Coming Soon …

We haven’t been doing notice sheets for a while .. but they are returning soon with a new look! First one expected for Sunday 5th September – check back then!

We Are Church – An Extended Family that Gathers & Scatters

We are glad to be able to gather again – without the need to book, without restrictions, without the need to stay apart. We are still encouraging masks, though it is not compulsory. It is a delight to see member’s faces as they meet up again after so long, and come together as church.

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The Church Gathers – Restrictions Relaxed

Sadly the pandemic continues to rage here and across the world. We pray for the world, for each other, and for our role as a church in these current times.

The removal of restrictions does allow us to gather as a whole church family in our buildings on Chapel Street on Sundays. Starting this Sunday (25th July) we will be gathering for all age services weekly through the summer. Come for lite-bite refreshments at 10.15am, with a formal start at 10.30am.

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Live Gathering Sunday 13th June

On Sunday 13th June at 10.30am we are gathering live again. There will be limitations and restrictions, so that we observe social distancing and continue the fight against infection. It will be necessary to book in, and we will ask you to be seated at assigned seats.

We will place families together, maybe with another one or two near by. It will be necessary to wear masks. We will have music by our musicians, but as a gathering indoors we should refrain from singing out loud even behind our masks.

Yet we will be able to be together in the presence of God, and at this gathering we also plan to share communion together. As an all age interactive gathering we will all – young and old – be able to learn together and from each, continuing our series looking at the short letter of Jude in the newer part of the Bible.

To book in yourself please click here!

The gathering will last just over an hour. Sadly we will not have refreshments, but it will be possible to mix and chat with people outside after the service! All our welcome to book in and join us.

Week of Prayer – 9th to 16th May

A week where we deliberately set time to pray – looking ahead to God’s call on us as a church beyond the pandemic restrictions.

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We Are Open

We are open and active as a church!

We continue to pray across the city, we continue to bless neighbours, and continue to be there for both one another and the hurting or down-hearted whatever their background or circumstance. We do this throughout the city.

At the moment we come together at least twice a month …

Live Gatherings – check our news feed for details of how to book in!

On the other Sundays there is a podcast message, and members are free to organise themselves as they see fit!

Newcomers are welcome to join us – either ‘looking in’ on our online gatherings, joining us when we meet live, or make contact and we can invite you to one of our friendly groups where people explore faith together.

In fact as a church all through these difficult pandemic times we have never been shut – we have just used our buildings much less than normal! But members have been active in their faith across the city. We are about following Jesus, and doing that together. Our faith in Jesus leads us to look out across the city, helping and serving where we can – all this has continued month on month through all seasons of lockdown and restrictions.

Our buildings have been used throughout by Ely Foodbank, by support groups and one to one support sessions. They have also been used by our young people when permitted and safe to do so. Our parent and toddler group has re-started, albeit with very restricted numbers. But the church is much much more than the buildings and the activities that use them. It is about the people, and their diversity across the city. Some organise themselves into groups across the city – meeting through the difficulties online or in fun & creative outdoor ways. Most contact each other to pray and ensure they are getting through these times okay. All of us find ourselves inter-connected, united in our faith in Jesus and following Him together.

We are church … and we are open!

We Are Open!

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