A Christmas Gift to Sierra Leone

In the past we have sent out shoe bags stuffed with goodies for children in Sierra Leone, distributed by the Sierra Leone Mission. This year that hasn’t been possible, but we would still like to bless as many children as possible.

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Week of Prayer: 8th to 15th November

This week (8th to 15th) is our week of prayer – a week where we intentionally schedule to pause for our own prayer, prayer for each other, and the life & witness of the church. The week was in our church calendar from way back in January – and proves poignant for us also to pray for our nation at this time.

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We Remain Open for Business

Our nation enters into a new period of lockdown: a further time of difficulty and uncertainty. Yet the Countess Free Church remains very much open for business!

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Church Scattered Takes Initiative

As with everyone else, we continue to find ourselves restricted in what we can do – especially when it comes to central gatherings or events. Yet that certainly does not mean that the church has seized up, or our activity has stalled! At Countess Free Church we are learning to embrace what it means to be scattered, and to see opportunity in many diverse small ways.

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Church Gathering on Sunday 25th October

On Sunday 25th October at 10.30am your are warmly invited to our next live gathering of Countess Free Church at our buildings in Chapel Street

Please note:

We would love to see you! You can sign up your family clicking on this link. If you want to bring guests please sign them up separately.

Please do not email us to try and book your place – only use the link provided!

Church Gathering on Sunday 27th September

On Sunday 27th September at 10.30am we will have our first trial church gathering at our buildings in Chapel Street since lockdown.

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Follow Us on Instagram

Want inspirational Bible verses, prayers, notices, and fuel for your own worship? Follow us on our Countess Free Church Instagram account.

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