Upcoming Events Upcoming events and other news.

Live Gathering Sunday 13th June

On Sunday 13th June at 10.30am we are gathering live again. There will be limitations and restrictions, so that we observe social distancing and continue the fight against infection. It will be necessary to book in, and we will ask you to be seated at assigned seats.

We will place families together, maybe with another one or two near by. It will be necessary to wear masks. We will have music by our musicians, but as a gathering indoors we should refrain from singing out loud even behind our masks.

Yet we will be able to be together in the presence of God, and at this gathering we also plan to share communion together. As an all age interactive gathering we will all – young and old – be able to learn together and from each, continuing our series looking at the short letter of Jude in the newer part of the Bible.

To book in yourself please click here!

The gathering will last just over an hour. Sadly we will not have refreshments, but it will be possible to mix and chat with people outside after the service! All our welcome to book in and join us.

Countess Free Church is Open, Serving and Gathering

The Countess Free Church is open – in fact it was never shut! The church is the people – ordinary people across the city – who follow Jesus. They have been coming alongside those who are hurting or need encouragement, they have been blessing in different ways big or small, and they have been connecting with each other across the city in diverse ways throughout the past year.

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Church Gathering in the Open Air

This Sunday 23rd May (known as Pentecost Sunday) Countess Free Church is gathering outside in the open air. With the ability to gather up to 30 people outdoors, we will be coming together in multiple locations on open green spaces across the city to be church together out in the fresh air.

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Week of Prayer – 9th to 16th May

A week where we deliberately set time to pray – looking ahead to God’s call on us as a church beyond the pandemic restrictions.

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Live Gathering Sunday 9th May

On Sunday 9th May at 10.30am we are gathering live again. There will be limitations and restrictions, so that we observe social distancing and continue the fight against infection. It will be necessary to book in, and we will ask you to be seated at assigned seats.

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Gathering Live

Through the year we have been very much ‘open for business’ as Countess Free Church – coming alongside people, looking out for one another, and seeing God at work in many diverse ways. We have blessed different people, and we have prayed with many. What we haven’t been able to do is gather as a church physically together in one place. This Sunday that changes …!

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Easter Day 2021

A year of pandemic disruption, hardship, loss and anguish. Now spring is emerging, the weather is changing, and Easter Day is coming! “See I am doing a new thing …“, as we look up beyond our circumstances to the one who changes things and makes new. As a church we are coming together online to celebrate the wonder of the risen Jesus – showing us new life is not just possible, but a reality.

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