Upcoming Events Upcoming events and other news.

Week of Prayer – Servants in the Storms

This week (Sunday 6th to 13th November) is our week of prayer: where we deliberately pause and pray in our otherwise busy schedules.

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Job Vacancy – Church Cleaner

Countess Free Church Seeks a dedicated cleaner who can take responsibility for the cleaning of our building.

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1 Corinthians Study Day – Saturday 15th October

We are coming together as a church for a special study day. This is an occasion for us to hear God together as a church, this time by looking into some chapters of 1 Corinthians. Running from 9am to 3pm on Saturday 15th October, we will be using principles of Community Bible Study to help us hear what God is saying to us as a church through this letter.

In our Community Bible Study format we ask everyone to read a passage prayerfully, and then report back to a group what they think God is saying to them. A group facilitator will help the sharing and bring threads together. Together we look to turn what we hear into action, so the format includes an emphasis on the key things each of us will take away, and practical steps we will take.

For this particular study day we are intentionally choosing to drill deeper into just 3 chapters. This will raise some hard questions for us to wrestle with together: we do this in the context of our shared commitment to Christ, seeking His desire for us both as individuals and together as church.

Refreshments will be provided, but please bring your own packed lunch for the longer break in the middle of the day.

The day is free for anyone to attend, and is open to people in other churches to join us, but we do suggest you aim to come for the full day (9am to 3pm), and we ask you to pre-book using the button below.

Simply Worship – Sunday 25th September

An evening of worship, prayer and encouraging one another at the Countess Free Church on Sunday 25th September, starting at 7.30pm.

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Dads n Kidz – Saturday 17th September

Our next Dads n Kidz morning is going ahead on Saturday 17th September from 9am to 11am at the Countess Free Church hall.

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Queen Elizabeth II

We join the nation in sadness at the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday 8th September, after a long life of service to the nation and the world.

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New Series start September: Christ-Like Unity

On Sunday September 4th at Countess Free Church we start our new series for the autumn term. Using Paul’s first letter to the early Corinthian church we will be exploring “Christ-Like Unity“.

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