Through August our Sunday morning gatherings at 10.30am will be a great opportunity for families to spend time together: having fun, learning and being together with each other and with God.
These times will be informal with all ages together. You can sit where you like, around tables with others to worship and explore. At Countess Free Church we recognise that we can all learn from each other: young from old, and old from young. Each Sunday will explore a Bible story in a way that is accessible and not complicated. The gatherings will be less than an hour, and then followed by tea & coffee.

Please note we have no gathering on Sunday 28th August (the Bank Holiday weekend). For those not away, this is an opportunity for members to take initiative – making their own plans to link up with friends and explore together. That might be as little as inviting a couple of friends to go for a walk and chat, or meeting at the park, the ice cream shop … or whatever! We suggest members Pray, Listen … and then Act to take initiative for themselves.