Starting January 3rd 2021 we start our new series through our Zoom gatherings, Live gatherings, and podcasts: “Gospel Living in a Restricted World“.
Together as a church we will be looking through the book of Acts in the Bible, learning from the very first Christian churches how they lived out gospel freedoms despite the challenges and restrictions they faced in society and government around them.
Throughout this exciting book the gospel witness spread, people came to faith and were discipled … causing the church to be ever larger in number. We want nothing less! As a church it is our desire to see Kingdom life across the city, and that will include people coming to faith, being discipled, and the church becoming ever larger in number. Despite the restrictions we have to bear as a society because of the Covid pandemic, we see God at work and believe we can still live out that very same gospel that gives hope, sets people free, and brings life.
The first in the series will be a Live gathering at our buildings in Chapel Street on Sunday 3rd at 10.30am. Advanced sign up is required please – you can use this link to show how many in your family are coming.