The Church Gathers – Restrictions Relaxed

Sadly the pandemic continues to rage here and across the world. We pray for the world, for each other, and for our role as a church in these current times.

The removal of restrictions does allow us to gather as a whole church family in our buildings on Chapel Street on Sundays. Starting this Sunday (25th July) we will be gathering for all age services weekly through the summer. Come for lite-bite refreshments at 10.15am, with a formal start at 10.30am.

There is no need to book in, you can sit where you like and you can mix as much as you are comfortable with. You can also sing as loud as you like, we can have refreshments at the start, and we don’t need everyone to leave the building straight-away at the end of our time together. During the summer many are of course on holiday – and so we will have plenty of room to accommodate all who want to come.

With infection rates still high and presenting a real risk, we want to encourage wearing masks. This is not compulsory, but we would ask each person to be aware of who is around them and consider that mask wearing is not just about ourselves, but the risk reduction and wellbeing for others.

At Countess Free Church it is all about people – people following Jesus, who engage with the community. We gather to be together in His presence, to be strengthened for Him, and to be sent by Him. You are invited and will be most welcome – see you on Sunday!