Walk to Raise Money for Sierra Leone Projects

On Saturday 22nd July we are inviting people to take a nice country walk in the pleasant surroundings of Little Downham to raise money for the Sierra Leone projects we will be working on next Easter!

Walkers will set out from the recreation ground at Little Downham at 3pm. There is a short walk of just 1.5km, suitable for small children (one stile to lift a buggy over). There is also a longer walk of 3.25km on marked footpaths and one short road section.
Both walks finish at a friends house for tea & cake. It is suggested that walkers pay £5 as an individual or £10 for a family.

At Easter 2018 several of us are flying out to Sierra Leone for 2 weeks with Mission Direct. We will be working with local builders to build either a local clinic or a school room. We are paying our own costs to get there, but we are raising funds towards the projects. We hope to send at least £2,000 with us, which will buy building blocks and pay the local builders.