Twice a year we deliberately pause and make space to be praying together as a church. We have set aside the week 7th to 14th November, using Colossians 3:1 – 4 to help us think on the theme ‘Alive in Christ‘. All are invited to join us as we pray into the life and ministry of this church.
There are two special gatherings which are open to all:
- Wednesday 10th November at 8pm: our whole church praying together into the life and ministry of the church.
- Sunday 14th November at 7pm: Life-Space – an evening led by our musicians creating space for us to praise and pray. This evening has no fixed format – the musicians will lead us, but there will be space for your own contemplation, prayer and praise. We welcome the Spirit to ‘interrupt’ us!
We invite everyone in the church to take time to meet up with their prayer partners or in prayer triplets. There are also IPOD groups – pockets of people praying for their local streets.
Making space in this way is part of a twice-yearly rhythm. These rhythms are important to us – part of who we are as a body of people following Jesus, enabling us to be a church in mission across the city . We seek Christ earnestly, because we want to see Kingdom life across the city.
Our flyer below includes all the details and a daily guide for your own prayers through the week. Ask yourself: Do you feel alive in Christ, or more like just existing?